Within the Heritage Overlay there are three (3) gradings:
All places that are listed individually on the Heritage Overlay are graded significant. Places which are in precincts can be graded either significant, contributory or non-contributory.
All gradings are mapped in the Schedule of Gradings Map (available for download from the documents for download section). The map is updated as new Heritage Overlays are approved by the Minister for Planning or when changes are made to existing Heritage Overlay gradings.
The following grading definitions are given in the Heritage Policy at Clause of your local Planning Scheme (See Related links to the right).
Significant heritage places are individually important places of state, municipal or local cultural heritage significance. They can be listed individually in the Schedule to the Heritage Overlay or listed individually in the schedule to the overlay and Heritage map coloured red. They can also be places that, when combined within a precinct, form an important part of the cultural heritage significance of the precinct. They may be both individually significant and significant in the context of the heritage precinct.
Contributory heritage places are places that contribute to the cultural heritage significance of a precinct and have been given this status in a heritage study. They are not considered to be individually important places of state, municipal or local cultural heritage significance, however, when combined with other significant and/or contributory heritage places, they play an integral role in demonstrating the cultural heritage significance of a precinct.
Non-contributory places are places within a heritage precinct that have no identifiable cultural heritage significance. They are included within a Heritage Overlay because any development of the place may impact on the cultural heritage significance of the precinct or adjacent ‘significant’ or ‘contributory’ heritage places.