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Heritage house style and paint colour schemes

Paint Colour Schemes for Heritage Properties

We suggest that you refer to the appropriate code numbers when buying paints for your heritage paint scheme.

Housing Style Codes: EV – Early Victorian MV – Mid Victorian LV – Late Victorian FD – Federation ED – Edwardian BG – Bungalow IW – Inter-war PW – Post-war MD – Modern

Name AS 2700 Housing Styles
Biscuit X42 EV, LV, ED
Black N61 MD
Brown X54 EV, LV
Buff X41 ED, BG
Canary Yellow Y11 PW
Cream Y34 BG, MD
Dark Brown X65 QA, BG, IW
Dark Earth X62 EV
Dark Green G61 BG
Deep Indian Red R64 EV, MV, LV, BG, IW
Fern Green FM072,FM73 IW, MD
Golden Tan X53 PW
Manilla Y45 FD
Off White Y35 IW, PW
Pale Blue B35 PW
Pale Ochre X21 IW, MD
Parchment X43 PW
Red Oxide R63 FD, ED
Rose Pink R25 IW, PW
Royal Blue B12 PW
Salmon Pink R42 MV, LV, MD
Signal Red R13 PW, MD
Terracotta R52 EV, IW
Venetian Red R62 MV, ED
White N14 BG, IW, MD
Name BS 3881 or 2660 Housing Styles
Brilliant Green 381:221 FD
Deep Brunswick Green 381:227 EV, MV, LV
Fawn 2660:3035 MV
Light Buff 381:358 MV
Light Cream 2660:3033 EV, LV FD, MD
Light Stone 381:361 EV, MV, LV, BG
Light Straw 381:384 LV, FD, ED
Mid Brunswick Green 381:226 ED
Olive Green 381:220 FD
Pale Cream 381:352 FD, ED
Pale Green 2660:6070 FD, ED, BG
Pink Beige 2660:3034 MV

Creative Commons License Source: What house is that? Restoration? by the State of Victoria