To do your own planning application to construct a building or construct or carry out works in an Rural Zone as a VicSmart application, the first step is to check if your application is eligible for the VicSmart process.This will ensure that your application meets the following criteria:
For land in a Rural Living Zone, Green Wedge Zone, Green Wedge A Zone or Rural Conservation Zone:- Construct a building or construct or carry out works with an estimated cost of up to $250,000
- The land is not used for Animal keeping, Pig farm, Poultry farm, Poultry hatchery or Rural industry
- The land is not within 30 metres of land (not a road) which is in a residential zone
- Any works must not be earthworks specified in the schedule to the zone
- Does not trigger a permit under another part of the planning scheme
For land in a Farming Zone or Rural Activity Zone, either:
- Construct a building or construct or carry out works associated with a Section 1 use in the Table of uses of the zone with an estimated cost of up to $500,000
- The works are not earthworks specified in the schedule to the zone
- Does not trigger a permit under another part of the planning scheme
- Construct a building or construct or carry out works associated with a Section 2 use in the Table of uses of the zone with an estimated cost of up to $500,000
- The land is not used for Animal keeping, Intensive animal production, Pig farm, Poultry farm, Poultry hatchery or Rural industry
- The land is not within 30 metres of land (not a road) which is in a residential zone. Any works must not be earthworks specified in the schedule to the zone
- Does not trigger a permit under another part of the planning scheme
If you know your application is eligible for the VicSmart process, then you can:
Start an application