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How to describe any impacts on heritage

To describe any impacts on the significance of the heritage place, in the case of relatively minor works, a brief assessment of the impacts on the cultural heritage significance of the registered place or object by a heritage consultant, relevant specialist, or the owner’s agent would normally be sufficient rather than a full Heritage Impact Statement.

This may include acknowledging whether any of the following are relevant:

Subdivision in a Heritage Overlay

  • Does the proposed subdivision provide an adequate setting or context for the registered place?
  • Could future development that results from this subdivision compromise the significance of the registered place?
  • Could future development that results from the subdivision affect views to, and from, the registered place?
  • What management processes, such as a Body Corporate, is being considered to ensure the conservation of any common property resulting from the subdivision?

Repainting with a new colour scheme

  • Have previous (including original) colour schemes been investigated? Are previous schemes being re-instated?
  • Will the painting effect the conservation of the fabric of the heritage item, such as removing earlier colour schemes?
  • Maybe an assessment of proposal by a council heritage consultant/specialist

Re-roofing and cladding

  • Is as much original fabric being retained as possible?
  • Have previous (including original) roofing/cladding materials been investigated (through archival and physical research)?
  • Is the original type of material being re-instated?
  • Will the re-roofing/re-cladding effect the conservation of the fabric of the heritage place?
  • Maybe an assessment of proposal by a council heritage consultant/specialist

New Services

  • How has the impact of the new services on the heritage significance of the place been minimised?
  • Are any of the existing services of any significance? Are they affected by the new works?
  • Has the advice of a heritage consultant/specialist been sought? Has the advice been implemented?
  • Are any known or potential archaeological deposits (underground or under floor) affected by the works?
  • Is the proposal the best technical and conservation solution for the delivery of new services?

Tree removal or replacement

  • Does the tree contribute to the heritage significance of the registered place?
  • Why is the tree to be removed?
  • Has the advice of a tree surgeon or horticultural specialist been obtained?

Creative Commons License Source: Heritage Impact Statements bythe State of Victoria